I'll let the other bloggers handle this one

So I got an e-mail from Thunders Arena about the poor sales of the match "Mountain dominates Dom9 and Jack Beaver Part 2 - Custom Video Series 86"

So I'm not gonna buy it with the 10$ coupon they gave me for the simple fact that there is nothing I find of interest here. I'm not really familiar with the two smaller guys and I don't care for matches featuring Mountain. This is what Mr.Mike had to say on an email:
This is a match with Moutain LIFTING two guys up by his bear hands!  Plus he then later in the match lifts two guys in a fireman's carry across his back at the SAME TIME see photos above!  
This has never been done to my knowledge by any other underground wrestling company in the world!  I don't see why this isn't my number one best seller!  I'm so confused because while filming this match I thought it was one of the most exciting matches I've ever filmed!  I want everyone to watch this match so I've decided to give you $10 OFF this match if you have not downloaded it yet.  It's my #1 recommend match of this year!  Please check it out and tell me your thoughts.

Well I personally think that Underground gay wrestling has this thing with bumping up the eroticism while trying to maintain the sporty action. Thunders Arena seems to try to have Action first and Eroticism second, which is fine, but the action is usually very repetitive and the only thing keeping me watching is whether or not I find the guy hot.

So to focus more on action (like in this video) would probably stop it from being #1

But like I said, I'll let the other bloggers handle this one.



  1. I also got this email. Thunders used to be one of my favorites. They have a consistant flow of new matches, and some *really hot* and talented guys on their roster...but the matches just don't draw me in like they used to.
    I bought 22 matches from Feb 2017-18, yet only 4 from Feb 2018-now. If I'm going to pay $30+ for a match, it needs to have something new to offer besides a fresh set of abs or biceps. Just seems too repetitive I suppose. They are obviously focused on muscle, and I've always liked my guys a little more body hair and beefier...so this could just be a personal issue lol.
    I look at companies like UCW & W4H who both have a very diverse roster (along with some great talent from the indies) and variety of matches, not to mention they are both much more affordable.

    1. I feel like I should love Thunders because of their focus on Muscle (Hense my name Musclelover lol) but I really only find a good handful of their guys hot like Scrappy (who wrestles other places as well) Blayne, Kasee Zman, Jake and Loki. Even with that, the action is just way too repetitive and a lot of times too fake.

      They are also missing a kinky aspect that the other places have.


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