What makes a good Wrestling video (for me)

So I feel like the other bloggers:
KSW - Knockout Submission Wrestling Federation
Wrestling Arsenal

All have a clear stance for what they like. I mean, they've been around for a while. I feel like I have yet to express what makes a wrestling video particularly good for me. So here is a list from least important to most important.

The Arena:

The arena sets the scene for the match and this is something that I feel like Thunders Arena has a huge advantage on. They film in multiple different areas and use those areas to their advantage (such as pools for instance).

Two other companies that come to mind are HeroHunks. They have some unique arenas.

BWN's arena is also unique:

The Storyline:

The story to any wrestling match is very important, That's how the McMahons took the wrestling world by storm is upping the storyline aspect to connect the matches together and giving the guys a reason to fight.

Now most underground gay wrestling federations have rivalries between wrestlers that loosely ties matches together, but that doesn't equate to a whole storyline. I think this is due to a lot of matches being custom orders from fans.

88 wrestling are kinda dipping their toe in tying together stories with these 2 matches:

Which I will discuss at a later time. But we all know the king of storylines for Underground Gay Wrestling goes to none other that Black Wrestling Network.

The Men and Their Chemistry

I had to lump these 2 together because they are equally as important to me. The guys have to be hot and they have to have it out for each other, whether it be strictly competitive, sexual tension or both. You could be the hottest guys ever, but if the chemistry is flat, the match suffers. You can have great chemistry, but If the guys aren't.....all that, then it's a no go.

I don't have specific moves that I look for. As long as the men are being fondled and groped I'm good. I do like to take note of the moves that each man performs to better understand his strategy.

So what do you guys think? Do you agree?


  1. Hi, Muscle Lover. Firstly ,thanks for checking out my blog. There are a couple things you haven't mentioned that attract me to a match: the gear and selling. I'm a fan of guys in pro style trunks and boots. Most of the companies I follow (BGE, 88W, W4H, MBW) have hot pro gear.
    Regarding selling, I can accept a match even if the action is very simple or amateurish, as long as the guys get into it and help me suspend my disbelief.

    1. Oh yes! I kinda touched upon "selling" with "chemistry". Please excuse my lack of wrestling lingo lol.

      As far as the gear as long as the guys look good i'm down. Whether it's pro style or a thong I'm happy :).


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