Learning and growing along the way

So I have been watching a few more episodes of Conan and I have realized something......


lol I really don't. and I feel so bad 😭. As a cartoon it's consistently decent with some stinkers (Mainly episodes that would have worked had they been multiple episode arcs) and some pretty strong episodes as well. It is in fact no He-Man I will say that. He-Man played on all of the classic Science Fiction/Science Fantasy tropes and cliche's with it's character designs, muscles and homoerotic subtexts and themes along with being one of the kinkiest cartoons to ever hit TV only rivaled by the great Totally Spies! Long story short, there is a lot I can say about that show!!!

Conan on the other hand, is set up in a way that I hate. That being that if the beginning conflict is resolved then the show ends. The show is set up to have character development, intense story arcs and multiple story arcs at that. But the problem is that you get no payoff for none of this. I am past the half way point and while we do see returning characters that I thought were one offs, there are no story arcs at all. You will constantly get build up to a new chapter in the story only for the show to say "NOPE, back to square one, this episode was completely pointless and skipable."

I took a glimpse at the last episodes and I can say that while the show ends open ended, it does not end on a cliffhanger. That's right, it's an actual ending. So that's good that it wraps up before moving on to that horrible sequel series (But it still had Conans Muscles so that was ok).

I will probably replace the cartoon with the live action show on my channel. That way we can at least see some real man muscles bouncing around if we're gonna be this vanilla 😋

The video this week will be what I found to be the hottest episode of Conan so far. After that i'm moving on. I will eventually come back to the show once I have better equipment and can do a more proper video review of the show.

I do not consider myself a traditional reviewer. I more bring attention to muscle related media and share my opinion. I am learning how to do that and I hope I'm not driving you guys crazy along the way. 😰


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