What Series should I focus on next

I binge watched She-Ra last week (The first time I had seen the series) and as you know, I have given my two scents as far as how well it shows men in peril. It was OK, but nowhere near as kinky, bizarre and downright lewd as He-Man. Bow and other male She-Ra antagonists will be featured regularly in spotlight posts, but that's all you're gonna see here from She-Ra.

So what Show should I cover next? Comment down below which show you most want to see reviewed.


Captain Planet (Season 1)

Many Shows peaked my interest in Muscle Men (Dragon Ball Z, 200X He-Man) but I think Captain Planet really peaked my interest for heroes in peril. 

Captain Planet and The Planeteers was a show about 5 diverse "kids" who were summoned together to basically fight people who damaged the earths ecosystem. Yes, it's one of those shows. They were granted power rings that gave them each an elemental ability (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Heart). When they combined their powers, Captain Planet, A Blue skinned, green haired muscle superhero is created from their power.

Fetish Appeal:
Captain Planet himself does not appear much throughout each episode, he is usually the last resort. What will happen is that The kids will summon the Captain, then he is easily defeated by pollution (Which usually involved the villains spraying him with some weird liquid). This causes the kids to have to use their individual powers to contain the issue before they summon Captain Planet again to finish the job. What I remember most of our Captain was him being dominated in a fight by his polluted counterpart Captain Pollution....it was hot

Also the writers and animators must have had a thing for the character Wheeler.
I PROMISE there is more of him like this (and with less clothes)

Defenders of The Earth (Complete Series)
I didn't know this series existed until last year. I am only vaguely familiar with Flash Gordon and don't know much about the other characters from this crossover series.

Synopsis from Wikipedia:
The plot begins with Flash Gordon and his son Rick escaping from Ming the Merciless, who has exhausted the natural resources of his home planet Mongo and desires to exploit Earth. Ming tries to brainwash Flash's wife Dale Arden, but she resists until death, whereafter her psyche is later included in the Defenders' supercomputer Dynac X.[1] Later, Flash and Mandrake organize the Defenders against Ming.
So yeah....I don't know what this show is about, but it could be fun to explore!!! 

Fetish Appeal:
Muscle Man Cartoon in the 80s....there has to be something.

Dragon Ball Z (Goku vs Frieza Full Battle)

Dragonball Z stirred something inside a lot of boys who grew up in the 90s/early 2000's. Muscles Everywhere (although looking back, many other shows rendered muscle better in my opinion). But the peak of the show for me is Goku's battle with Frieza!!!

The synopsis of the show is way too much to get into, so that will have to wait until the post.

Fetish Appeal:
This show has never before (and never since) gone this all out with a battle!!! Grunts, Ab claws, Bear Hugs, Reverse Bear Hugs you name it!!!
One Punch Man (Season 1)

This show has peaked my interest for quite a while

Basically a hero that is so over powered that he kills his enemies in one punch.

Fetish Appeal:
The animators seem to like to draw Muscle, so potential gyaku ryona awaits!!!

Conan the Adventurer (Complete Series)
It's Conan.....I don't think I should say more.....


  1. I'm gonna say Conan. Never saw it in animated form before...

    (And in DragonBall, I like Nappa. He's like...Goldberg.)

  2. As a pro wrestling fan, I'm going to vote for Conan. He looks the most like a wrestler, and his sidekick (or Tag Team partner?) in the one shoulder singlet also has a classic 1970's wrestling vibe.

    1. I'm sure that's what the creators were going for!!!

  3. My vote is for Captain America! I always love the superheroes with the classic tights and trunks, and I definitely had a little thing for Captain America when I was younger. So hot when our handsome, strong hero is instantly overcome by a little squirt of sludge. That gif above really gets me going!

    1. Oh you mean Captain Planet lol. Yeah Captain Planet is the pure definition of useless muscles. The villain would do the smallest thing and then the Captain is completely weakened and all the fight is zapped from him. Like I said our old buddy Wheeler saw some kinky scenes of his own.

    2. Doh! Yes, Captain Planet, haha.

    3. Are you the one that voted on Patreon?

  4. I vote for Conan the Adventurer. I've seen some of the episodes. I like what I've seen so far.

  5. I vote for Conan or Defenders of Earth ... I prefer the art style of those two over the 'anime' influenced entries...
    good luck on the blog!

    1. I completely understand. In my humble opinion, Dragonball's Muscle proportions are not that great, which is why I've only opted to do the Frieza battle, since that's when the animators put the most attention to detail in the muscles.

      Thanks for the well wishes!!!

  6. i really hate Flash Gordon´s pelvis his bulge and butt

    please gifs of his doom and pain


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